Mammootty has been having a great year so far, with the critically acclaimed ‘Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam’ under his belt and now gearing up for the release of ‘Agent’, a pan-Indian film in multiple languages including Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil and Kannada. In a newly released still from the film, Mammootty can be seen in the role of military officer Mahadev, dressed in a blue shirt, cargo pants, a bulletproof vest, cap, and armed with a gun. The intense look on his face is sure to get fans excited for what’s in store.
Written and directed by Surender Reddy, ‘Agent’ is a spy-thriller that also stars Telugu actor Akhil Akkineni in his first collaboration with Mammootty, and debutant Sakshi Vaidya as the female lead. The film promises to be high on action and was shot in Hyderabad, Delhi, and Hungary. With Hiphop Tamizha in charge of music, Rasool Ellore handling the cinematography, and Naveen Nooli editing the film, ‘Agent’ is shaping up to be an exciting project for fans of the genre.