Mammootty, a production company owned by the renowned actor Mammootty, has gained a large audience following for producing high-quality films in a short period. The company has released films such as Mayakam and Roshak, and upcoming releases include Kathal and Kannur Squad. Recently, there was a discussion in the Malayalam Movie and Music Database (M3DB) Facebook group regarding the originality of the company’s logo design. Taking the discussion seriously, the company has withdrawn its current logo and replaced it with a new one on all its social media handles.
Mammootty Company said in a note withdrawing the logo, “Our logo will undergo a re-branding as part of our broader objective to keep up with the changing times. A big thank you to those who pointed out an inadvertent oversight on our part,
Our Logo will be undergoing a Re-Branding as a part of our broader strategy to stay ahead of time. Huge shout out to those who intimated us of an inadvertent lack of caution from our side.
— MammoottyKampany (@MKampanyOffl) March 17, 2023
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