The article reports on the completion of shooting for the upcoming Tamil film “Kaathal-The Core” directed by Jeo Baby. The film stars veteran actor Mammootty and actress Jyothika in the lead roles. Jyothika had arrived in Kochi to shoot her portions for the film in late October, and Mammootty had wrapped up his portions a few days ago.
Taking to Instagram, the makers wrote : Jyotika mam has wrapped up her portions for Kaathal today. Thanks Dear @jyotika Mam from the entire @kaathalthecore crew for some truly memorable moments. Can’t wait to see you weave magic on big screens.”
The post-production work of the film is expected to begin soon. The film is a family drama and marks the first collaboration between Jyothika and Mammootty. Suriya, Jyothika’s husband, had also visited the film’s sets and spent the entire day with the team.