Malayalam film star Mammootty has been selected for the best actor award instituted by Jaihind TV for films released in 2009 while Mohanlal bagged the channel’s Chalachitra Ratna award.
Actor Prithviraj has been chosen as the youth icon.
Blessy has been selected for the best director award, while actor Dileep and actress Lakshmi Rai have been chosen most popular actors and Salimkumar the best comedian, managing director of the Bharat Broadcasting Network Limited (Jaihind TV) MM Hassan said while announcing the awards at a function in Thrissur last night.
Tamil actor Sarathkumar won the Jaihind Patriotic Pride award and the Chalachitra Prathibha award went to Sreenivasan and special jury award to Kalabhavan Mani, he said.
Pazhassi Raja won the award for best film and Ranjith for best script (Thirakkatha).
Actor Kailash and actress Archana Kavi won the awards for best debut.
The awards will be presented on Tuesday in Thrissur on the occasion of the third anniversary celebrations of Jaihind TV.