Mammootty and Kavya were adjudged the best actors in the Jesy Foundation Awards, announced a couple of days ago. Mammootty was selected, the best actor for his performance in the Shyamaprasad movie ‘Ore Kadal’, while Kavya got the best actress for her twin roles in ‘Nadhiya Kolapetta Rathri’. Adoor Gopalakrishanan was named the best director while ‘Ore Kadal’ was also selected as the best movie of 2007.
The other awards announced by the foundation includes the ones for Pradeep Palluruthy (best playback singer-‘Katha Parayumpol’), Anitha (best playback singer – Rock N Roll), Sreenivasan, (best screenplay – ‘Katha Parayumpol’), Sathyan Anthikkad (best story-‘Vinodayathra’), Mukesh (best supporting actor – ‘Naalu Pennungal’) Kalpana (best supporting actress- ‘Anjil Oral Arjunan’).
The award will be given away on the 19th of this month at Ernakulam in a colorful function that will be organized at the Fine Arts Hall, in association with the 69th birth year of the famous director.
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