“The film industry is mourning the loss of three talented individuals in a short span of time. On June 28, renowned filmmaker Lohithadas passed away due to cardiac arrest at the age of 54. One month later, on July 29, actor Rajan P Dev died from a prolonged illness related to high sugar levels. Now, actor Murali (55) has also passed away after suffering from high diabetes for a long time.
Murali’s acting career began after he gave up his job as a government clerk. Despite his debut film “”Njattadi”” directed by Bharath Gopi not being a commercial success, Murali’s performance earned him critical acclaim. He went on to receive five State Government awards and the 2002 National award.
Murali’s talent was not limited to Malayalam films, as he also made a significant impact in the Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi film industries. Some of his notable Tamil films include “”Gemini,”” “”Dum Dum Dum,”” “”Ram,”” “”Ae,”” and “”Polladhavan.”” He also played a prominent role in Surya’s “”Aadhavan”” directed by K.S. Ravikumar.
We extend our deepest sympathies to Murali’s family and friends during this difficult time.