The much-awaited crime thriller “Kannur Squad” starring Mammootty has released its second look poster. The poster showcases Mammootty alongside Roby Varghese Raj, Shabareesh Varma, and Azeez Nedumangad, all donning the uniform of police officers. As per reports, Mammootty will be seen playing the role of an ASI in the film.
“Kannur Squad” marks the directorial debut of the talented cinematographer Roby Varghese Raj and is reportedly based on true events. The story has been penned by Muhammed Shafi, who has also co-written the screenplay with actor Rony David Raj. Along with Mammootty, the film features Deepak Parambol, Sajin Cherukayil, and Gibin Gopinath in pivotal roles.
The film’s technical crew includes renowned cinematographer Muhammed Rahil, composer Sushin Shyam, and editor Praveen Prabhakar. Produced under Mammootty’s home banner, Mammootty Kampany, “Kannur Squad” is one of the most anticipated releases of the year.