Mammootty, a well-known actor in the Malayalam film industry, has expressed support for the new trends in Mollywood, specifically the genre known as new generation films. He believes that these films symbolize the thinking lines of the current generation. He made these comments at the book release function of director KG George’s autobiography titled ‘Flashback: Enteyum Cinemayudeyum’. He also noted that filmmakers who take a different path and are often criticized are later given approval by society.
His support for new generation filmmakers is significant as some well-known names in Mollywood such as Adoor Gopalakrishnan and Balachandra Menon have expressed their dissatisfaction with the content of these films. They have stated that the crowds that are going to theaters for these films are there just to listen to the expletives and obscene expressions used by the women in it and that the dialogues are like that of toilet humor or offensive writings often seen in lavatories.