John Abraham’s desire to work in a Mollywood production has veered the path for an upcoming entertainer that features both Mollywood and Bollywood. John, who visited Ft Kochi to observe Mammootty and Dileep shoot for ‘Kammath and Kammath’, had nothing but admiration for Malayalam cinema. He said he would look into the matter of doing a movie here after they zero in on the right story. Fort Kochi citizens were witness to this star-studded affair, with John, Mammootty, and Dileep in attendance.
During his time in the city, John Abraham shot his film, ‘Jaffna’, which is set entirely in Kerala. He spent 90 minutes with the actors of ‘Kammath and Kammath’ at Fort Kochi around 1 pm. During his conversation with Mammootty and Dileep, John recalled his childhood days at Aluva.
“He spoke about his Kerala connection. His grandfather was from Aluva. Upon learning that Dileep was also from Aluva, John hugged Dileep and expressed his comradeship with him. “John’s grandfather had migrated to Shimoga from Aluva,” Anto Joseph, producer of the film, said.
His mother, who was not a Malayali, was a great fan of Malayalam films, and he praised the films and its technicians.