Actor Mammootty recently inaugurated a beautified Kozhikode beach and urged the public to maintain its cleanliness. The 850-metre stretch of the beach, from Lions Park to Corporation Office, was beautified at a cost of Rs. 3 crore with features such as an entrance-gate, pavilions, walkways, lamp posts, a fountain, granite-paved seats, a 1500-square-metre parking space, a toilet block, cafeteria and gallery steps. The project was sanctioned by the Tourism Department in 2009 and completed by the Harbour Engineering Department. This is the third stretch of the beach in the city to be opened for the public after beautification. The inauguration was attended by A. Pradeep Kumar, MLA, Mayor A.K. Premajam, M.K. Raghavan, MP, district panchayat president Kanathil Jameela, Tourism Secretary V. Venu, and Director A. Shivasankar.