Mumbai based actress Poonam Bajwa who has already acted in Telugu, Tamil and Kannada films has been chosen as the heroine of Mammotty in the bilingual film Shikari directed by the National award winner Abhay Simha. Abhay had won the award for his debut film Gubbachigalu which won the Best Children`s film last year.
Abhay convinced Mammootty with his script and the actor is playing a double role. Poonam had acted in the recently released Tamil film Drohi.
Poonam Bajwa will be joining the shooting of the second schedule of the film which is now in progress in Theerthahalli and other areas of Malnad. Audithya, Mohan are the other artists in the film. The Malayalam version of the film will have Innocent and Jagathi in important roles.
The producer K.Manju had earlier introduced Kamal Hassan to the Kannada audience in the Ramesh Arvind movie Rama Shaama Bhaama. Konkana Sen had agreed to play the lead in the film, but since the film was postponed indefinitely she was not able to allot dates.
Poonam had acted in a Telugu film directed by Venkat before she was chosen to play the lead in Darshan`s Thangigaagi. She has been a part of many Tamil and Telugu films. She is presently acting in the film Thambikottai. During the shooting of Thangigaagi, Poonam Bajwa had said that the tastes of present audience are changing very fast and all the actors have to respond to the changing tastes and requirements of the fans.