Malayalam super star Mammootty has been re-elected chairman of Malayalam Communications Limited, which operates a bouquet of channels under the flagship Kairali TV, during the annual general meeting of the company held in Thiruvananthapuram on Monday. John Brittas was also re-elected as the managing director of the channel.
The meeting announced 5% dividend for 2008-09. This is the first time since its formation that Kairali TV is announcing a dividend. The company, riding on a 36% increase in revenue over the previous year, logged a total turnover of Rs. 47.86 crores during 2008-09. The revenue during 2007-08 was Rs. 35.21 crores.
Mammootty said that the company, which had launched two channels ‘People’ and ‘We’, had already acquired satellite space for a fourth channel and would launch the channels as early as possible. John Brittas said that from January 1, Kairali TV would switch over to non-linear post production and server-based telecast of programmes.