Pattanathil Bhootham, director Johnny Antony’s second film with Mammootty, is getting ready, gearing up for a Vishu (April) release. Produced by S.Benjamin under the banner of High Bright Movies and coming from the director of entertainers like CID Moosa, Kochiraajaavu, Thuruppugulaan etc..
Pattanathil Bhootham tells the story of a guy called Jimmy who works in a circus and does all kinds of feats with his bike and jeep. The story takes a turn when he finds himself face-to- face with a friendly spirit who appears before him. Kavya Madhavan is the heroine while Mammootty himself plays Jimmy as well as the spirit. The film also stars popular actors like Innocent, Salim Kumar, Suraaj Venjaramoodu, Rajan.P.Dev, Suresh Krishna, Chali Pala, Bindu Panicker, Baby Nayantara etc. The script is by the Sibi.K.Thomas-Udayakrishna duo.
Will it be the last film of Kavya Madhavan?
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