Malayalam film Megastar Mammootty has been invited to be the chief guest at the 6th World Malayalee Conference 2008 in Singapore Aug 22-24.
As the report of IANS, Mammootty confirmed that he has been invited and will attend the event.
It is organized by the World Malayalee Council (WMC), established in 1995 in the US. The past five conferences were attended by Malayali professionals from over 30 countries.
The main aim of the WMC is to network Malayalis around the world and create a global community, which is able to communicate with each other and maintain the Malayali identity.
However, it is the most momentous occassion for malayalees who loves Mammootty, as he got the chance to be the part of the function. Again and again we Can Proud of Mammootty………..